Japanese Translation of 3rd edition
463 illustrations
ISBN 978-4-621-30497-6
Maruzen Publishing Company, Tokyo, 2020
Price: 19,600 Yen

Mass Spectrometry – A Textbook
3rd edition, 2017, English
993 p., 463 illustrations in bw, 201 illustrations in color
Hard cover ISBN: 978-3-319-54397-0
eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-54398-7
Publisher: Springer International Publishing.

Massenspektrometrie – Ein Lehrbuch
Gross, Jürgen H., übersetzt von Karin Beifuss,
824 S., 552 Abbildungen, gebunden,
ISBN: 978-3-8274-2980-3
Springer Spektrum
Heidelberg, September 2012.
Spettrometria di Massa
Italian translation of the 2nd edition
coordinated by Enrico Davoli and Claudio Medana,
778 p., 552 illustrations, soft cover,
ISBN: 9788879599078.
Publisher: EdiSES di Napoli, Napoli, IT, 2016.

Mass Spectrometry – A Textbook
Authorized reprint of 2nd edition in
English for distribution in China,
ISBN 978-7-03-033296-7
published by Science Press: China
Science Publishing & Media, 2012.

Mass Spectrometry – A Textbook, 2nd edition
Gross, Jürgen H.
Springer Heidelberg, February 2011,
770 pages, 552 illustrations.
Hardcover ISBN 978-3-642-10709-2
eBook e-ISBN 978-3-642-10711-5
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10711-5
Japanese Translation
566 p., 357 illustrations, hardcover.
ISBN: 978-4-431-10016-4
Springer Tokyo, December 2007.
This publication has been transferred to
Maruzen Publishing Company (1-9-18, Kaigan,
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0022, Japan) in 2012.
Mass Spectrometry – A Textbook
Gross, Jürgen H.
536 p., 357 illustrations, hardcover.
ISBN: 3-540-40739-1
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg
March, 2004.