Italian Translation

Italian Translation of 2nd Edition, cover
Italian Translation of 2nd Edition, cover

Spettrometria di Massa

The 2nd edition of “Mass Spectrometry – A Textbook” has been translated into Italian and is available under the title “Spettrometria di Massa”.

The translation has been accomplished by a group of fifteen experienced Italian mass spectrometrists and has been coordinated by Enrico Davoli and Claudio Medana.


Spettrometria di Massa
Italian translation of the 2nd edition
coordinated by Enrico Davoli and Claudio Medana,
778 p., 552 illustrations, soft cover,
ISBN: 9788879599078.
Publisher: EdiSES di Napoli, Napoli, IT, 2016.

Have a look into the Italian book (there click on SFOGLIA).